ROSCA Dorina, COTOVANU Lidia (coord.), Republica Moldova: 30 de ani în 30 de cuvinte, Chisinau: Cartier
Rosca Dorina

"The Post-Soviet Moldovan Capitalism: Between Oligarchic Political Economy and Reciprocity. Post-Communist Economies. DOI: 10.1080/14631377.2020.1793583.

Rosca Dorina
Le grand tournant de la société moldave: "Intellectuels" et capital social, Paris: Presses de l'INALCO.

« Le partenariat UE-Russie: Espoirs, déceptions et incertitudes»  [EU-Russia Partnership: Hopes, Disappointments and Uncertainties], in Economic Recovery in Russia and in Europe: Problems, Prospective, Ways of Financing, Russian Academy of Sciences, IEF RAS, January, pp. 97-131.


"Gouvernance et innovation en Russie: les petites entreprises face à l'Etat" [Governance and innovation in Russia: Small businesses versus the state], La revue russe, n° 51, pp. 97-112.

Rosca Dorina

“Importanța și modul de funcționare a solidarităților private în cadrul emigrației moldovenești. Anchetă în regiunea pariziană” [The Functioning of Private Solidarities among Moldovan emigrants. A Survey in the Parisian Region], in Diasporas in Modern World: Regional Context and Potential for Sustainable Development of The Country of Origin, Chișinău: International Organisation for Migration, pp. 375-388.

Rosca Dorina

"Antropologia schimburilor în cadrul migrației moldovenesti. Practici comunitare si retele de solidaritate printre moldovenii din regiunea pariziana" (Anthropology of Exchanges in Moldovan Migrational Context. Community Practices, Solidarity and Networks among Moldovans from the Parisian Region), Platzforma, available here.

Rosca Dorina

« Introducerea tichetelor de masă în Republica Moldova, între umilință, lupte politice și indicatori financiari. Sau despre o tentativă de reformă a unui capitalism fără față umană » [Entering the Tickets-Restaurant in Moldova, Between Humility, Political Struggles and Financial Indicators. Or about an Attempt to Reform a Capitalism Without a Human Face], Platzforma, available here.


"Adaptatsiya rossiyskoy ekonomiki k nestabilnoy geopolititcheskoy situatsii, Obzor rossiysko-frantsuzskogo seminara v Parije", [The adaptation of the Russian economy to a geopolitical unstable situation. Overview of the Parisian Franco-Russian seminar], Problemy prognozirovaniya, n° 6, pp. 131-135.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz, OLIVEIRA André Mourthe, NETO Paulino Oliveira, CAMARGOS Rafael Dias

“Instituições e desenvolvimento no Japão: modelo de capitalismo, trajetória pós 1990, desafios atuais”, Revista de Sociologia e Política, vol. 24, pp. 3 - 28.

ROSCA Dorina

“Economia mixtă de tranziție în Republica Moldova. O analiză instituțională a reformelor din anii 1990” [The Mixt Economy of Transition in the Republic of Moldova. An Institutional Analysis of the 1990’s Reforms], in ERNU Vasile, NEGURĂ Petru, SPRÎNCEANĂ Vitalie (coord.), Republica Moldova la 25 ani. O încercare de bilanț [The Republic of Moldova at 25 Years. A Synthetic View], Chișinău: Cartier, pp. 146-178.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“Economia, Instituições e Estado do Bem Estar Social: respostas à nova configuração do capitalismo pós 1970”, Dados-Revista de Ciencias Sociais, vol. 58, pp. 617 - 650.

ROSCA Dorina

« Capital social et inégalités dans la Moldavie soviétique » [Social Capital and Inequalities in the Soviet Moldavia], Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, vol. 46, n°1, pp. 45-77.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz, ALMEIDA Mariana Eugenia

“Youth and Labour Market: the evolution and the challenges of employment policy in Brazil”, Temas em Administraçõ Pública, vol. 8, n° 2, available here. 

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“A economia política do modelo econômico chinês: o estado, o mercado e os principais desafios” [The Political Economy of the Chinese Economic Model: the state, the market and the main results], Revista de Sociologia e Política, vol. 20, n° 44, pp. 103-120.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“Iniciativas para a promoção de emprego e renda: políticas públicas, economia solidária e desenvolvimento local” [Initiatives for the promotion of employment and income – public policies and local development], Ensaios FEE, vol. 32, n° 2, pp. 313-338.

Rosca Dorina

« Crise systémique et lien social. Les solidarités intergénérationnelles privées en République de Moldavie (1991-2010) » [Systemic Crisis and Social Connection. Private Intergenerational Solidarity in the Republic of Moldova], Progrese în teoria deciziilor economice în condiții de risc și incertitudine [Progresses in the Economic Desisionmaking Theory under Conditions of Risk and Uncertainty], vol. XIV,   Romanian Academy, pp. 149-164.


“The Clones: A New Phenomenon in the Literary Environment. A Sociological Approach”, Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology, vol. 1, n° 2, pp. 93-109.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“Estado e Economia na Coréia do Sul. do estado desenvolvimentista à crise asiática e à recuperação posterior” [State and Economy in South Korea. From the Developmental State to the Asian Crisis and after], Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, vol. 30, n° 1, pp. 45-62.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“Chang, o Modelo Econômico Asiático e a Economia Política Comparada” [Ha-Joon Chang, the Asian Economic Model and the Comparative Political Economy], Revista de Economia Política e História Econômica, n° 22. pp. 118-150.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“State capacity and economic development – the advances and limits of import substitution industrialization in Brazil”, Luso-Brazilian Review, vol. 47, n° 2, pp. 49-73.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“Estado, instituições e desenvolvimento: o modelo coreano e a interpretação da crise asiática” [State, Institutions and Development: the South Korean model and the interpretation of the Asian economic crisis], Revista de Sociologia Política, vol.17, n° 34, pp. 253-269.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“Modelos de capitalismo e economia política comparada: instituições, performance e as respostas alemã e japonesa aos desafios recentes” [Models of Capitalism and Comparative Political Economy – institutions, performance and the German and Japanese answers to the recent challenges], Dados, vol. 50, n° 1, available here.

Rosca Dorina

« Les changements sociaux dans la Moldavie post-soviétique : le rôle du capital social » [The Social Change in the post-Socialist Moldova. The Role of the Social Capital], in Dezvoltarea durabilă a României și Republicii Moldova în context european şi mondial [The Sustainable Development of Romania and Moldova in the European and Global Context], Chişinău: ASEM, pp. 347-355.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“O Capitalismo Coordenado Alemão – do boom do pós-guerra à Agenda 2010” [The German Coordinated Capitalism – from the post war boom to the Agenda 2010], Lua Nova, vol. 66, pp. 23-56.


« Insécurité et transformation post-socialiste : quel impact sur le développement ? Étude comparative entre le développement de la mafia en Russie et en Albanie » [Insecurity in post-socialist countries. Comparative Study on the Development of Mafias in Russia and in Albania], La Lettre Sentinel, n° 41-42, October-November, pp. 26-30.


Barometrul de opinie studențească [The Barometer of Student Opinion], Bucarest: Ars Docendi.

GUIMARÃES Alexandre Queiroz

“Historical Institutionalism and Economic Policymaking – determinants of the pattern of economic policy in Brazil, 1930-1960”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, vol. 24, n° 4, pp. 527-542.

KARASSEVA Olga et al.

Les relations entre l’Union Européenne et la Fédération de Russie [The Relations between Russia and European Union], Paris: Social Economic and Environmental Council (France).

Rosca Dorina

“The influence of foreign capital enterprises on the economy and society of Moldova”, in South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, vol. 6, n° 1/2, 2003, pp. 17-26.

Rosca Dorina

“Understanding Labour Conflicts: between laws and anarchy”, in South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, vol. 6, n° 3, 2003, pp. 73-86.

European Institute for Development studies

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